Team BOFA's Home Field

Home Field


Nasty Hits

Team BOFA Speedball

August Citi Rumble

February Firefight

... More Pics

February Firefight Round II


Outlaw Paintball Paradise:
If you've checked out any of the pics on the site, you've probably already figured out that Team BOFA plays Outlaw Paintball. We operate in Jacksonville, FL and aside from one or two planned tournament trips, we play Outlaw almost exclusively.

At our field, there's no chrono, no admission, and no field paint. What you will find is hard-core paintballers who like to bust paint on anybody that's willing to step into the line of fire.

Below are a few snapshots of us getting it on "Special-Ops Style" at our home field. Take a look - we're sure that you'll agree that our home field really is an "Outlaw Paintball Paradise"!

BOFA On the Move
Fuzzy, Minuteman and Spiked get their creep on.
(click the pic for a large version)
  Where's it at?
Our field is that rarest of treasures: An Outlaw Field with great terrain, trails, nearby facilities and tons of room. Yet it's literally situated right in the middle of a metropolitan area that's home to over 1,000,000 people.

If you want to find out more, or even come out and get into a game with team BOFA, use the e-mail link at the bottom of the page to drop us a line.

True ballers will always be welcome at our field.

Who plays?
I could say that team BOFA is the only group of paintballers that rocks at our field, but that would be a lie. We are, however, the only organized team that calls our field home. There are games almost every Sunday, and Team BOFA holds a game or special event every other Saturday.

Depending on whether our Team is holding an event, there are generally between 10 and 20 players on the field for each game. Sometimes we play with fewer people late in the day, after less "hard core" players have started to head home.

Want to find out more about our team and our field? Click here and give us a holler.

What type of marker does Team BOFA play with?
Team BOFA has a weak spot for the realiability, upgradeability and cost-effectiveness of the many Kingman Spyder variants and spyder clones on the market.

But we don't hate on other hardware: A couple of our regular players run with Tippman markers.

Also, our favorite opponents (known to us as "The Navy Boyz") play almost exclusively with Tippman markers.

If you are a Spyder lover, and you haven't check out The Spyderzone yet, click the link below and hold on to your seat. The Spyderzone is loaded with specs, pics and upgrade tricks for every Spyder there is, plus great forums to talk about and trade Spyder markers and other paintball gear.

Click here to check out The Spyderzone!

Xtremo and Jason on the prowl, looking for the enemy.
(click the pic for a large version)

Kingman Spyder
Here you see Jason putting a few rounds through his Spyder Victor. Gotta love those Spyders!
(click the pic for a large version)